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    “In the entire history of our firm, there has not been a single insured event”

    Mikhail Ilyashev, Managing Partner


    Recent publications

    Tax Increase: Who Will Pay, How Much and How?

    Column, NV Business

    21 September 2024

    Medical Law in Ukraine

    Column, Legal Industry Reviews

    29 August 2024

    EU Trends: New Approaches to Employment in Ukraine

    Article, Yurydychna Gazeta

    8 August 2024

    Ukrainian Bankruptcy Practice on Creditors with Russian Ties

    Article, Ukrainian Law Firms 2023-2024

    29 July 2024

    Termination of BIT Ukraine-Russia: Full Stop?

    Article, Ukrainian Law Firms 2023-2024

    29 July 2024

    War-Era Ukrainian Labor Law

    Article, Ukrainian Law Firms 2023-2024

    29 July 2024

    Ukrainian Maritime Logistics During Wartime

    Article, Ukrainian Law Firms 2023-2024

    29 July 2024


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