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Kostiantyn Kryvenko Acts as Law Students’ Trainer at the VI National Anticorruption Moot Court Competition

News date: 2 April 2024

Kostiantyn Kryvenko, Ilyashev & Partners’ Attorney at Law and Counsel, acted as a trainer at the annual educational event for law students known as the VI National Anticorruption Moot Court Competition, which was held on 30-31 March in Kyiv. The event was organised by the Kyiv branch of the European Law Students Association (ELSA).

Law students from various Ukrainian universities participated in the competition. It was the first time when legal coaches – qualified Anti-Corruption experts were engaged during competitions. The goal is to imitate a legal dispute on current legal issues in Anti-Corruption in order to provide students with experience in Anti-Corruption Law: improving theoretical knowledge and practical skills in Criminal Law, participating in the investigation of corruption crimes and hearing of the case in court.

Kostiantyn became a curator and mentor for a team of third-year students of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv Institute of International Relations. At the legal debates, the team acted as the prosecution and defence during hearing of two corruption cases. Kostiantyn assisted law students in preparing for legal debates and told them how to form a legal position, classify the offences, determine the extent of punishment, as well as build a defence strategy, an interaction with opponents and judges.

The European Law Students’ Association (ELSA) is an international organisation of law students and lawyers interested in professional and personal development. ELSA was founded in 1981. The organisation is represented in 43 countries and has over 50,000 members.