News date: 29 May 2017
On May 25, 2017 Irina Kirichenko, lawyer at Ilyashev & Partners, Patent Attorney of Ukraine, delivered a speech at the round table “Organizational and legal support of reforming the sphere of health protection of Ukraine” organized by Poltava law institute.
In her report “Analysis of the regulatory impact of certain provisions of the draft laws onto supply of pharmaceutical products to the population of Ukraine” Irina Kirichenko analyzed the principal provisions of the draft laws, which are being discusses in the Parliament, as well as their regulatory impact onto the peoples’ access to health care. In particular, the speaker drew attention to the novelties introduced by the draft laws No. 6327 and No. 6327-1 as of April 25, 2017 “On the state financial guarantees of provision of the population with medical care, pharmaceutical products and services of the public health system”, which interpret medical care as one or more fee-based medical services provided by economic entities.
The event was attended by the representatives of various state authorities and local self-governing bodies, employees of the medical and pharmaceutical companies, lawyers, and experts in the sphere of health care.
Participants of the round table discussed two of the most current pressing topics related to legal support of reforming the medical activities (autonomation of the health protection and insurance medicine institutions), as well as of practical application of reimbursement procedure at the pharmaceutical market.