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Irina Kirichenko Delivered a Speech at Legal Pharma & Medicine Forum

News date: 16 March 2017

Irina Kirichenko, lawyer at Ilyashev & Partners Law Firm, Patent Attorney of Ukraine, delivered a speech on the topic of “Novelties of the legal regulation of circulation of medicinal products: registration, price formation and licensing” at Legal Pharma & Medicine Forum held on March 15, 2017 in Kyiv.

Irina updated Forum’s participants on novelties of legal regulation of circulation of medicinal products concentrating, among other things, on the particularities of registration, price formation and licensing. Irina Kirichenko analyzed how, addressing the issue through the lens of economics and limiting the expenses to health protection, to ensure access of people to pharmaceutical drugs, how the system of the state regulation of prices to drugs operates and what practical difficulties in the course of calculation of ceiling amounts of wholesale prices (calculated as benchmark prices) are.

She also paid attention to the particularities of simplified procedure of registration of pharmaceutical drugs mentioning the necessity of its reformation in relation to drugs registered outside the EU and bringing it in compliance with the European standards.

During the forum the specialists, the representatives of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, experts and lawyers discussed the vectors of reformation of Ukrainian health system, matters of procurements in this sphere, market of medicinal products, insurance medicine and protection of intellectual property rights in the pharmacy sphere.

About the event

This year Legal Pharma & Medicine Forum attracted around 150 representatives of pharmaceutical community, regulatory authorities, law firms, professional organizations and has traditionally become the area for dialogue and exchange of experience and opinions.