News date: 11 December 2017
Ilyashev & Partners Law Firm was mentioned among Top 5 employers in the legal sphere under the results of the annual survey “Ukraine’s Best Employers 2017” performed by the international staff holding company HeadHunter Ukraine, the results of which were announced in Kyiv on December 7th.
HeadHunter Ukraine surveyed the opinion of Ukrainian job-seekers to find out how they choose employers and whom they consider to be the most attractive and considerate. 4 400 opinions were polled in the course of the survey.
“We are thankful to the participants of the survey for the high opinion about our efforts on creation of comfortable work conditions for our employees, – comments Mikhail Ilyashev, the Managing Partner of Ilyashev & Partners Law Firm. – Our company has stable staff composition among lawyers and attorneys and, probably, one of the lowest personnel turnover rate at the legal market – less than 2% a year”.
In the process of three rounds of survey within the annual poll “Ukraine’s Best Employers”, which was carried out at the web-page of HeadHunter Ukraine from September 18 till November 28, 2017, investigated was the opinion of the job-seekers who chose a number of companies from various professional spheres and from different regions of Ukraine, thus forming the list of participants in the rating “Ukraine’s Best Employers”. At the third stage of the survey the following experts cast their votes in relation to every industry-specific list.
Experts analyzed the level of personnel turnover, the fact of official employment from the day one, salary level at the market, regularity of payments, provision of bonuses, personality of the directors and their reputation, work schedule, extra-time, prospects of the development and professional growth, firm’s perspectives in general, and job climate.