News date: 23 December 2021
The team of International Trade Practice of Ilyashev & Partners Law Firm, headed by Partner Olena Omelchenko, which represents the interests of Association of Ukrainian Glass Producers “Glass of Ukraine”, as well as its members, initiated the anti-dumping investigation into the imports to Ukraine of glass containers originating from the Republic of Belarus.
Following the review of the complaint filed by the Ukrainian producer, the Interdepartmental Commission on International Trade initiated an anti-dumping investigation into the imports to Ukraine of goods from the Republic of Belarus, having the following description: glass containers (canning jars, bottles) for food products and drinks with a nominal capacity of 0.15 liters or more, classified under the Ukrainian Classification of Goods for Foreign Economic Activity (UCGFEA) codes 7010 90 10 90, 7010 90 41 00, 7010 90 43 00, 7010 90 45 00, 7010 90 53 00.
“This decision of the Commission is extremely important and timely for the protection of the national manufacturers, – said Olena Omelchenko. – Especially today, when the cost of energy resources for the Ukrainian producers has sharply increased, which additionally made the national industry uncompetitive in comparison with the Belarusian one. Since the price of electricity accounts for the lion’s share of the cost of glass container production“.
As a result of conducting the above anti-dumping investigation, an anti-dumping duty may be imposed on import of glass containers from the Republic of Belarus for the purpose of ensuring fair competition and protecting Ukrainian manufacturers from dumping imports. The anti-dumping investigation may take up to 12 months to complete.
Association of Ukrainian Glass Producers “Glass of Ukraine” is a public organization that unites Ukrainian manufacturers of glass containers, flat glass, glassware, art glass, as well as suppliers of equipment, materials and services for the glass industry. Founded in 1997. The members of the Association produce over 80% of glass products in the country.