News date: 13 March 2017
Dmitry Konstantinov, lawyer of the Moscow Office of Ilyashev & Partners Law Firm, spoke at the 3rd Annual Practical Conference “Preventing Corporate Fraud and Business Partners Due Diligence” held on March 1-2 in Moscow.
The Conference’ hosts paid special attention to Dmitry’s report “Means and Foundations for Fraudulently Conveyed Assets’ Recovery: Ilyashev & Partners’ Practical Experience”.
In his report Mr. Konstantinov highlighted the main methods of assets’ conveyance from the company, and based on the Firm’s extensive experience offered the efficient options for legal protection against this phenomenon. Thus, Dmitriy made reference to the Firm’s successful recovery of assets defrauded by M. Ablyazov from “BTA Bank”.
“Taking into consideration that such frauds are generally fulfilled with the direct involvement of the company’s management, the recovery of the stolen assets is hampered not only by the highly sophisticated schemes, but also by the vanishing of the related documents. Therefore, the successful recovery of such assets is possible only due to the use of the complex approach, combining the civil and the criminal remedies, and initiating the litigations in foreign jurisdictions if necessary”.
About 130 participants attended the Conference. The attention was focused on the aspects of corporate fraud overcoming, the latest tendencies of the contractors’ due diligence services and many other cases. Among the speakers there were the heads of legal and compliance departments of the following companies: Philip Morris, General Electric, Mercedes-Benz, Schneider Electric, Bashneft, Vympelcom, Rusatom, Russian Post, Rusal, etc.
The 3rd Annual Practical Conference is the specialized event for the heads of legal departments and compliance managers of large Russian and international companies, organized by Dialog Management.