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Olena Omelchenko Delivers a Speech at the Hearing of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Economic Development

News date: 19 June 2024

On 17 June 2024, Head of International Trade Practice at Ilyashev & Partners Law Firm, Partner Olena Omelchenko delivered speech at the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Economic Development’s meeting on trade remedies.

The event participants including MPs of Ukraine, representatives of the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine, members of the Interdepartmental Commission on International Trade, representatives of industry associations, domestic producers and legal counsels, considered the status of application of trade remedies by the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine under martial law.

In her speech, Olena Omelchenko noted the increased demand of domestic producers to protect the market against dumped imports and supported measures of the Interdepartmental Commission on International Trade in this regard.

“Ukrainian producers expect that the Interdepartmental Commission on International Trade will promptly consider complaints and begin to apply provisional measures, since under martial law, business cannot wait 1,5-2 years for the completion of the full investigation procedure, Olena Omelchenko noted. – In addition, there are many examples of evading measures applied to dumped imports through the jurisdictions of third countries, which causes significant damage to domestic producers and leads to significant underpayments to the State Budget of Ukraine. Prevention of this law violation requires strengthening the cooperation between the Ministry of Economy, the State Customs Service of Ukraine and Ukraine’s embassies abroad.”        

At the meeting of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Economic Development, the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine presented draft laws on the application of anti-dumping, countervailing and safeguard measures in respect of imports and the status of trade remedies.

Currently, Ukraine has applied 35 anti-dumping and other measures. For comparison, as per the WTO, the USA applies 520 anti-dumping measures, India – 337, Brazil – 175, Turkey – 145, China – 141, Argentina – 137, the EU – 130. The anti-dumping investigation procedures shall be simplified and expedited for the benefit of Ukrainian producers, the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Economic Development notes.