News date: 22 May 2017
Ilyashev & Partners has successfully represented the interests of the nationwide DIY hypermarket chain Epicentr K in the review of safeguard measures concerning the import to Ukraine of porcelain tableware and kitchenware regardless of their country of origin and export. The review was started at the end of 2016 on the initiative of Druzhkovskyi porcelain factory LLC aiming to extend the period of application of the special (protective) duty for the next three years.
Thanks to the wisely selected strategy of defense of the interests of our client Interdepartmental Commission on International Trade decided not to extend the safeguard measures related to the import to Ukraine of tableware and kitchenware of porcelain regardless of their country of origin and export which were applied on the basis of the decision No. SP-309/2014/4421-06 as of April 04, 2014.
“The cancellation of safeguard measures concerning the import to Ukraine of tableware and kitchenware of porcelain will help to increase the volume of imports of goods, reduce the deficit of utensils in the domestic market and expand the range of goods for food outlets and households”, says Olena Omelchenko, Head of International Trade Practice at Ilyashev & Partners. Such a result serves the interests of the consumers, international and national interests of Ukraine, and has a positive economic effect because it will allow bringing UAH 270 mln to the State Budget of Ukraine each year”.
It should be recalled that safeguard measures were applied by Interdepartmental Commission on International Trade as of April 04, 2014 for three years in the form of special duty the rate of which constitutes:
• from the date of application of the safeguard measures – 35,6%;
• after expiration of 12 months from the date of their application – 32%;
• after expiration of 24 months from the date of their application – 28,8%.
The term of application of the safeguard duty expires in May 2017.