News date: 8 October 2014
To build effective cooperation with civil society and pursuant to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine as of November 03, 2010 No. 996 “On Ensuring Participation of the Civil Society in Formation and Implementation of State Policy” of November 03, 2010, No. 996, at its meeting held on October 07, 2014 the initiative group approved a new structure of the Public Council at the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine.
Andriy V. Sydorenko, a lawyer at Ilyashev & Partners Law Firm, a member of the Ukrainian Association of Law Firms, has been contributing to the activities of the Public Council for more than a year with the aim of supporting cooperation between governmental authorities, business and civil society. Andriy as a highly-qualified specialist in the field of taxation Andriy is making a strong contribution to development and improvement of legislation related to organization of effective work of the fiscal system and aims to make the cooperation procedures between the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine and civil society, namely the tax collection procedures, more transparent, accessible and understandable.